Friday 20 February 2015

Fairest | Marissa Meyer

✴ ✴ ✴ . 5

*(I'm so sorry for not reviewing anything. I've written this review ages ago and I've been meaning to post it but I haven't..........I don't know. It's ehh. I've been on edge with this review, like I don't really want to post it but whatthehell!) 

Okay I read this super fast, it doesn't even feel like I read the book but then again I was reading this when I should have been working. This is seriously the most prettiest book I have had the pleasure of reading this year. Just a heads up, this is like a prequel from the perspective of one of the characters from The Lunar Chronicle series by Marissa Meyer. That series consists of: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress and Winter (yet to be released, I have review of only Cress so I will link that here.

If you have not read the Lunar Chronicles series I highly recommend you do, the books get better are you read on and the story lines are amazing! They are based of fairytale re-tellings. As this is a prequel I don't think it really matters if you haven't read the series or all the books but it would be better if you have read the books so you actually understand some of the context as well as the world. 

Fairest - just like the books in the Lunar Chronicles - is a Young Adult, Dystopian/fantasyish novel. follows the perspective of Queen Levana, who if you've read the Lunar Chronicles we know her as a very heartless woman. This book gives us her backstory it is somewhat a novella, this is labelled as 0.5 so it is before the Lunar Chronicles Series. I've read a few reviews about this book where people have said that this was pointless and added nothing to the plot/story line of the Lunar Chronicles but isn't that the point of novellas and prequels of certain characters? I mean the only thing I took away from her story is that now I see her slightly different manner and I don't look to her and have millions of ??? flying everywhere. In the series we don't learn much about Queen Levana but only her tactics, we don't get an insight into her world or how she thinks or to why/how she has become what she is. Maybe this was pointless but to me it wasn't. Nevertheless it was written by Marissa Meyer and I love everything she has come out with so far. This was a quick read and I enjoyed it very much. 

In this we get more insight into her world or the 'world' built on the moon: Lunar. IT IS SERIOUSLY SO SCARY BUT VERY COOL AND I LOVE IT! I highly recommend reading the Lunar Chronicle series. 

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