Saturday 27 September 2014

The Infinite Sea | Rick Yancey

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ . 5

My mind has like blown into shards of what is left of my dignity. RICK YANCEY! HOW DO YOU WRITE LIKE A GOD? I have come to a conclusion he is already a writer I look up to and his work is amazeballz, like you will like physically cry because it's too good. 

The is the second book in what I believe is a trilogy. The first book is The 5th Wave which I'm quite sure the majority of you have heard of as it was hyped up at the beginning of last year. The third and final book I believe is coming out in Autumn of 2015 and I cannot wait, this series is so good I don't even know why I ever doubted it. I have a goodreads review on The 5th Wave here.

There isn't a lot I can say without spoiling but I highly recommend to star with The 5th Wave and contemplate whether you want to continue.

'After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.

Now, it’s the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth’s last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker.

Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie’s only hope for rescuing her brother—or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up'

I've noticed in both books actually, you think you know what gonna happen and then Rick Yancey's like 'lmao no' and then you just sit there like 'Wow, how do you make it even more epic?' This seems to be a recurring theme, I seem to 'think' I know and then it just takes a turn and plot twist! My mind is boggled. 

Something weird happened to me that hasn't ever really happened to me with other books. I totally blacked out when I started this book. I didn't remember how The 5th Wave ended and I was pretty confused so I went and googled the plot line but that didn't really help so I just had to like go with it. Not to fret as I continued through the book around 50-100 pages in I got back into the world and lingo, it also didn't help that Yancey doesn't write who's POV it's in....ever (as the book is written in more than one POV). It's a weird thing but that another thing that makes this book tremendous. 

These books are like: you know whats happening but you don't know what happening. You're just always so confused but then once you get it you're like 'motherf*****' and it blows your mind. 

Basically the book just picks up from what happened in the first book. I just have a terrible memory, actually I don't but I don't know how to explain this. What I do remember is that I picked up The 5th Wave during my exams in April and whilst dying cause of exams I remember being chuffed after reading this. 

The Infinite Sea isn't as big as The 5th Wave in size, like its almost half of the first book. I would expect that the books would gradually get bigger as it's a trilogy and there was just so much action in the first book but I guess not; never the less I really enjoyed this book. I'm not sure whether I enjoyed The 5th Wave more (I gave that five stars) but I think I liked it slightly more than this because it was jam packed from the beginning whilst this took off two bloody thirds into the book. This book was quite passive compared the first book. I say that loosely because it picks up with so much action in the last half of the book. 

The characters in this series make the series. If you've read my review on The 5th Wave on goodreads you'll know that I adored Cassiopeia (Cassie) the main, she's kick-butt and awesome. Then we get into The Infinite Sea and my thought process changes a bit, I still really adore her but I think I like this new character that gets introduced in the last third of the first book: Ringer. She's great! She is literally so funny and in my opinion even more kick-butt. We also get more of Ringer in this book as she gets huge chunks in her pov. 

Cassie just gets more boy infatuated and annoying. So sorry. Maybe she'll get better. 

We also get introduced to couple of new characters which I loved, however we also go into more depth with the main characters as well. 

Like I said before, there isn't a lot I can say without spoiling so all you can really do is get the first book, then the next book and then sit patiently like me for the third book *eye twitches*. 

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